“WRITE IT DOWN!” This is a uniquely special historical Blog Post, because it’s partly in honor of the announcement toward my then new Audible Audiobook launch, and my youngest son moving on to his own residence in his own way. I have realized that there are so many lessons to learn in this life, and one of those lessons has to do with “seeing things through!” There is magnificence in the idea of forging forward, (holding fast and staying true), then just being accountable for your commitments, your goals, your pursuits, your dreams, and your life. I’m old enough now, but still young enough too, to realize that you don’t have to know everything that comes next, and you don’t have to have everything figured out this very second… JUST KEEP GOING. That’s really the key. Go with the flow, but in my case, I go with an experienced flow. And that makes it pretty sweet. Here’s to Believing AND Achieving… One follows the other! 

POEM: “INVICTUS” By William Ernest Henley

Out of the night that covers me,

Black as the Pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeoning’s of chance

My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll.

I am the master of my fate:

I am the captain of my soul.


I’m in a mental space that made me decide to share with others again and ask the world some questions. Then after I ask, I can give the world some of my own answers… or perspectives or just some flava! I don’t think we human beings talk to each other enough. Oh, we talk, and talk and talk, but it seems we are simply copying someone else, and trying to be like, sound like, and think like the world thinks. I have never been like that, and I’m even less like that now. So, it is my observation and contention that we should talk straight about how we feel and ask honestly what we want to know. Just be real! Just talk straight. 

So, when I decided to write a book 34 years ago. I did it… but then I put it away, because first I was getting married, then, my son was being born and both those people became my priority. Then later, my 2nd son was born, and ALL 3 People became my priority!

But… I marched on. Then at around the 20 years later mark, in 2010, I went ahead and gave myself permission to edit and publish my first book. My Memoir, as it were, and I did it! It was cool to get that project done. 

I learned a lot and I was proud of myself.

But here now, some years later, I just completed my First Audiobook, and it’s now published on the largest platform for Audiobooks in the world… AUDIBLE. And that was pretty-cool… I liked it. It was a heck of a project though, which consisted of  (9 – individual, 10-hour sessions to record the full book.) But I realize now… It is also a hell of a story!  I realized during this spoken word process, that I am a master of resilience, perseverance, survival, and taking personal inventory, so I know now what’s inside my house, my closet, my backpack and my heart! I learned a great deal about being a whole adult-sized human being.

Yep. I have finally grown up… and I like it.

Now… why is this so important? What actually drove me to write down the lines of my life and present them to others? When I asked myself that question, I finally understood what I was trying to do, which took me a long time to figure out. But now here’s the deal… Here’s some things even for you to think about, toward somehow, maybe someday, maybe some-way for YOU to write down your own story! Check out these reasons and maybe, even if you don’t write it, you can get your organized thoughts together anyway. Either way, if you FREE yourself, you can BE YOURSELF!

Some folks try to fake their way along, imitating others. Nah man… that ain’t me. 

“Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are.” – Kurt Cobain said that. (May he Rest in Peace.)

So again, here’s some focus and reasoning for telling my story: 

#1    To share wisdom and truth in a way that helps my readers. I learned so much that I refuse to hold it in any longer!

#2    To record my history and present it as my legacy to family and friends. (My sons are so special to me, and I am so grateful to them for letting me be their father… I want their kids to always know who their crazy Grandfather was, so that they will know their father’s even better.)

#3   To provide encouragement and inspiration for people who have lived through what I have lived through. And that’s real. You either become jaded and mean from challenging circumstances, or maybe, just maybe you develop empathy, and want others to benefit from your experiences, and not suffer the same challenges you endured.

#4   To have a greater understanding of myself and the world I inhabit. (How important is this one! If you free your mind, your BEHIND will follow!) You better get to know that person staring back in the mirror and get to like him too… because he’s all you got!

#5   To challenge myself as a writer. This too, is such a special reasoning… because it’s just like those people who climb Mt. Kilimanjaro and stuff… BECAUSE IT FEELS GREAT TO CHALLEGE YOURSELF FOR GROWTH!… And then succeed! It’s just a great thing.

The other series of things I learned, are sort of stated here… In a clip from Ms. Amber Lea Starfire, on her website, www.WRITING THROUGH LIFE.com

Amber wrote: 

“In a *Writer’s Digest article, Jeanette Walls, author of the classic memoir, The Glass Castle, is quoted as having said, “One of the lessons I’ve learned from writing this memoir is how much we all have in common. So many of us think that certain things only happened to us and somehow, they make us less of a person. I’m constantly urging people, especially older folks, to write about their lives. It gives you a new perspective. Memoir is about handing over your life to someone and saying, this is what I went through… this is who I am, and maybe you can learn something from it. It’s honestly sharing what you think, feel, and have gone through. If you can do that effectively, then somebody gets the wisdom and benefit of your experience without having to live it.”

And to follow… Learn from the mistakes of others, you can’t live long enough to make them all yourself!”

So here it is…

My book is available at www.audible.com and is entitled: NEVER QUIT (The Journey of a Million Miles.) It’s a whole lot different to LISTEN to this book, which I narrated, then to try and read it. If you wanna’ take an intense, invigorating ride, check out this Audiobook. I’m proud to say that for some reason, listeners are showing great interest so far. THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE OFFERED YOUR ENCOURAGEMENT AND SUPPORT. It’s been quite a fun ride. Challenging… but very cool!

And here’s something else today… My youngest son is moving out on his own tomorrow, and I’m helping him move. He’ll always be welcome here with his mother and me, but wow… I did it! I set a dream in motion, I made a commitment, I kept a promise to myself and to him, and I dug in to give all I had to these two boys progress, so they could be quality men. 

When I built each of their respective professional resumes at 10 years old and we forged forward, I did it with the absolute intention to live out my creed and leave my world better somehow. In some ways, maybe that’s why I can shout from the rooftops, and celebrate that I spoke an audiobook, because now, with so much great stuff behind me, and the best two examples of that drive and determination showing in the eyes of my dear sons… I can walk around with a level of validity. Not because of money. Not because of houses. Not because of travel. Not because of jobs or promotions. Not because of my own special entrepreneurial effort and my own businesses. But because I helped someone else BE BETTER! And just coincidentally, they happen to be of my own flesh and blood! Let’s go Bush Hamilton’s… let’s keep going to higher heights and make our COLLECVTIVE world better! 

And you people who are reading this… Do your thing! Live your ideas. Write your Memoir (Even if you don’t plan to publish it!) Tell your story, or just try something you’ve never tried, and I plan to try and help you.

I’m about to conduct my Podcast in public, outside at Peet’s coffee in Brentwood, California again. It was a great success the last time I did it. (So, if you live or work nearby, look out for us over there.) Now, as you can see, (with the help of some very talented people) I’ve built a new website. This website is a bit of a chronicle and represents my legacy. Remember, we have much more in common than we do apart, and when you see your own story memorialized… I think we’re all gonna’ love it!!

So, stand by… I am not done, and I am willing to believe… YOU are not done either!

Let’s keep going…

I will end this blog post today with a lovely poem by the one and only Ralph Waldo Emerson. Mr. Emerson is one of my favorite philosophers.

By Ralph Waldo Emerson

Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could.
Some blunders and absurdities
no doubt have crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.

Tomorrow is a new day;
begin it well and serenely
and with too high a spirit
to be cumbered with
your old nonsense.

This day is all that is
good and fair.
It is too dear,
with its hopes and invitations,
to waste a moment on yesterdays.


NEVER QUIT. The Journey of a Million Miles begins with a single step.

  • Roger B. Hamilton